Monday 23 February 2009

Simply because everyone on facebook is doing it....25 Random things bout me, OH! i tell a lie 38 random things actually

1. Once upon a time, i thought i found the person that i wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

2. I love my friends. No not acquitances, not party or champagne popping buddies. I MEAN know those people that can see you laugh and tell you’re falling to pieces inside. Like these crazy biatches! Ohh i wish i cld put all my friend’s pictures here! *sniff*

3. I have three birth marks on my face, on my chin, above my left eye and on the edge of my lip. My dad also has them, in all the exact places.!!!
4. I talk about couture and fashion with immense detail the way some girls talk about boys.
5. I’m addicted to cereal, i’d eat it in the car, for breakfast, luch, dinner, after school, after a night out.
6. My greatest fear is not finding the remote for the t.v.
7. I’m addicted to washing my hands.
8. I party alot, sumtimes too much. Tee-hee
9. I blog because its the only therapy i allow myself.
10. I dont know how to loose, how to come 2nd place, how to be ordinary, or just ‘ok’. If i’m not the star, i take a walk and never come back.
11. Apparently i know how to cook! Yayy me.
12. When i settle down to cry, i flood the room.
13. I’m a complete goofball, sometimes i know not how to control myself to the extent that, i dont know if my friends are laughing at me or with me.
14. I believe in being truly, madly and deeply in-love with THE ONE you are meant to spend your life with. I admit this with great shame, since i’m not cheesy.
15. I am nothing without God Almighty.
16. I love pink!
17. I am....Muslim, Catholic, Igbo, Ijebu, Arab... *sigh* who’s counting. I simply say i’m a naij babe, so i dont confuse myself...or better!
18. My current ringtone is Kanye’s ‘Heartless’ very random i know.. Hehe.
19. I’ve been wearing heels since i was 9yrs old.
20. I have a chronic weakness for shoes. I’d trade my boyfriend for a pair of Kurt Geiger shoes anyday.
21. I pretend to like alchohol so that people wouldnt have a hard time relating to me.
22. I’ve never been drunk.
23. I have complete disregard for people that do not know me....farmiliarity is NOT by force..LOL.
24. Very few people know the right gifts to give me, as obvious as i am...i’m extremely picky.
25. I’m a poser...I shamefully admit.

26. I have little tolerance for people that- kiss ass, cant stand up for what they believe in, or genrally ditzy girls. I would smack them across the face if battery was legitimate.
27. I gossip. Yes, so do you.
28. I depend on my ipod too much.
29. I intend on living my life exactly the way i want to. Anyone that has an opinion should walk in the opposite direction.
30. I love skool.
31. I love letters! Someone recently wrote me one, and i read it everyday. THANK YOU!.
32. I’m being very honest on this blog because, i am under the impression that people rarely come here, unlike my face book page.
33. I panic when things appear uncertian.
34. Music is the food to my soul, and fashion is my way of culture...the air that i breath.
35. I’m very materialistic. Alexandra McQueen shoes, Birkin purses, Feragamo pumps, ice from Jacob the jeweler, vintage champagne, Chanel clothes stitched to precision, cuban cigars, stretch hummers, diamond dust facials, vitamin water, gucci wedges, diamond encrusted blackberry, priceless vintage pearls, ridiculously expensive cavier ..I’ll take it all, and would hurt anyone that stands in my way of getting it. I dont care if you’re judging me.
36. I have persona, when i’m with my friends my voice is the loudest, my jokes are the funniest, my stories are the best...dare i be more cocky?
37. I am very fascinated by smokers, i just love to watch them take a drag and blow out the smoke. *WOW* serious magic trick. Can you teach me? Lol.
38. My most cherished item, is a picture of me and my mum. Its was taken when i was 1yr old. *Sniff* Love my mummy!!!



C said...

as in babes ur ahead of me
it's a lieeeeee LOL
busy wit mid-terms

wld def come back n comment
i just had 2 post dis 1st hehe

lucy phil-ebosie said...

haha! chioma. Ok fingerz crossed till after your midterms.x.

Aman D. said...

1. (cough).. awon yankee boissss?..LMAO

2. awww we love you too... (..and this bitch didn't put up my picture.. ) :D

6. LMAO... u can say that again.. heart attack sef!

11. yaay me too!.. fave joint for lunch :)

13. complete 'mad person' is more appropriate

36. 'fomskaaay', 'ah ah awon afrobeats babess' .... some of the few things that confirm how crazy u are.


lucy phil-ebosie said...
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lucy phil-ebosie said...

LOL!...afoma reveal yourself, and why do you hv privacy settings?

Nosai-Oputa said...

LOL....well i guess am not smoking one was funny too...

Lolia said...

Your #32 sounds just like me!

C said...

so let me just start
1. you don't love me abi? am you blog ville acquaintance o
2. awww u have been in love
3. cereal? haha i could go for 6months without touching that
are you joking about ur fears? did you forget snakes and the rest
your igbo? you go girl lol
wheres the arab n ijebu coming from
whats your paternal ground saying?am guessing igbo :0
kia see ring tone lol

awww the smoking part is so cute hehe
i love your most cherished..item so cool

l8r hun!

lucy phil-ebosie said...

lol..chioma! my dad is not full igbo. *sigh* we shall discuss dis is great detail later.
Plus, why you hating on d cereal? You shld try to eat it 4 a week. *AMAZING*