Saturday 3 January 2009


HELLLOOOO!!!....gosh i'm so xcited, i promised myslef i'll be cool like..'yeah its 2009, wtever'. But i cant help it, HAPPY NEW YR! Ok b4 i get to carried away lemme apologise.
Saying its been a while since i updated this blog is a serious understatement. I can keep giving xcuses, or we can kiss and make up right here, right now. O.K?, O.K. Moving on then, a couple of plp have asked what calling this blog heart shaped glasses is bout.
Its the world in my eyes. When i say i'm viewing the world through the lenses of heart shaped glasses, it doesnt mean that in my eyes everyone is a unicorn and we have butterflies for breakfast and poop rainbows. Thats all a bunch of bullshit (xcuse my language).
It means making the most of the situations, life is going to pick you up and throw you against the room, everything that can ever go wrong with you would go wrong and thats nothing compared to the way you handle it.
Blive me, all these problems are smallies. Life is too short. God wouldnt give you what you cant handle. Hence, i got my heart shaped stunnaz on, i dunno bout you.

Ok, lets get a little bit of 2008 in our systems, before never looking back again. hehe.

TOY INC!!!!! TOY INC!!!!!!.....
In my honest and unbiased opinion, this t-shirt line played a significant role in 2008. Its original, and very contempray styled t-shirts, courtsey of Temi and Kitoye Balogun are nothing far from the definition of cool.

Yes, yes the Ray Ban wafers. You had them in pink, red, black, white, and if you couldnt afford all the colours you stocked up on sum of that primark s** I am not even laffn with you guys, because wafers DO NOT FIT EVERYBODY! you want me to repeat that? If your head is shaped like an egg or a coconut i advise you to steer clear of these shades below. I am using style to tell sum very special plp, next time you shall be cornered and confronted cuz ya'll know i dnt do things quietly. ha!

Unless, you are impossibly cool like Mr. Williams himself. Which i doubt anyone else is. Then inbox me on facebook, so i can let you know what shape your head enquiries are strictly confidential. ;)

DRUMROLL PLEASE!!!!.....2008 the year it became cool, i mean insanely cool to have short hair. Very special thanks to our Barbadian beauty, Riri. She started it out in long-ish layers below, in what i like to call the vair vair early 'umbrella' days. We straightened, curled, dyed, highlighted, wove, sprayed, and even suffered severe scalp damage all in the bid to look like this. A moment of silence to all my sisters that be rocking the rihana haircut.

She probably got tired of all of us imitating her, what was her stylist thinking making it more edgier?? thinking we wouldnt follow suit? Or we havent the balls to cut our hair even shorter? Sorry Ri, you made it even more appealing. Thank YOU! Although now every night we get on our knees and pray to God to make the damn hair grow back! Ya'll know a girl needs a back up plan.

Cough*. This is where Ri made imitating her hairdo a taboo. Pls, pls. Most of us cannot pull of this 70's/80's quiff. lol. The 70's and the 80's were the two decades the world forgot it needed a sense of style to get by. And when it was good, it was GOOD! And when it was bad, it was Sweet mother of God...BAD!... hence the same theory applies to this haircut. If you can pull it off, you CAN do no wrong. However, if you cant......i'm to scared to let you know the doom that awaits

Hmm, '08 & finally figured out that Louis Vuitton had superpowers. Super powers doing what? Well, if you are Nigerian then you would fully appreciate the power and 10 minutes sense of control a Louis V. belt, purse or wallet can give you on facebook.
Ifee- Is that mayowa?
Afoma- Ah, ah chill....its her oh. BADDEST!. wiv her l.v belt and the clutch to match.
Ifee- babes be doing big things oh.
Afoma- Ah, i gatz to write on her wall
Ifee- you like wasting time, i'm commenting on the picture
Afoma- ok, handle the picture and i'll take care of her wall.
Ifee- where's my phone sef. Lets call her too.
Nobody shld front on this one, you know ya'll be hoping you become facebook celebrities in 2009. Hopefully, ifee and afoma would notice

Speaking of facebook. The facebook pout is a necessity. If you havent learnt it yet, then i feel sorry for you. Nobody would let you in their picture if you cannot pout. lmao. Even bois too.
On your mark, get set...POUT, BABY POUT!....Press your lips every so slightly together, push them out a little bit, now for the final touch squint your eyes. I am warning you, if you gain a repuation for not pouting nobody would be your frnd, You would die a lonely

Moving on to more 2008 cliche's. Whats that you say? Don Perrione? Yes? Yes. We know you like a £199 bottle of champagne. Even tho you dunno what exactly Don Perrione stands for. You have not the slightest idea that it came about due to the amazing wine making skills of the 17th century monk Dom Perignon. You cant even tell the difference, between this and a £14 bottle of bubbly. Not to talk of the way the bubbles are actually individually disturbed over the summer, to create your vair expensive chamapgne. But you MUST drink it, by fire by force. Tonight na
Can i interest you in a bottle of Krug? No? Never bothered to order a bottle, or am speaking another language here. In my opinion, you cannot say vintage champagne better than a bottle of Krug. It doesnt have a particular formula, each year the krug family meet to create another recipe. Leaving it to for 14yrs, before putting it out. Did i hear you say Vintage?.

Now to my fave. The phrase killer heels, has never had a more literal meaning as far as i know. Even i have been forced to sucumb to peer pressure and punish myself in towering 5 inch heels.

You know you cannot walk in them, can you even sit comfortably in them?...Haha, but its a do or die affair.

Nobody said you have to be comfortable, as long as they are fab. thats all that counts. You can sell your soul in the process for all you care. You're out partying, in these oh-so-painful shoes. Your toes are numb, i mean kinda numb. The more you dance the higher your chances of finding yourself in the critical condition wing of the nearest hospital. The Doctor is telling you they have to amputate a couple of toes...LMAO.... Yes, its very possible. Till that day, we shall continue to ooze faboulosity. Buy shoes simply because they are cute not comfortable. Walk like penguins on the way back home, and stay bed ridden for the next two days. This we promise our fab. shoes. ;)

The number one culprit that can single handedly give you dizzy spells and imense migraine headaches. Our oh-so-cute headbands. You have them in every colour, in 2008 you vowed to match them everyday to your outfit. You get to class and cant understand a single thing your tutor is saying, the headaches and sore scapls are to blame. But you must be a like Blair Waldorf. Why can she get away with it and you cant. BECAUSE! her own skool, they dont learn hence no serious brainstorming is needed. They only strategize on how to kill eachother..haha. So why take off the headband?

Two words- Skinny jeans.. Yes i did infact notice that your surgically attached to you skinnies. You're not? Why i cld hv sworn...never mind. Long, short, damn too tight, red, pink, yellow, blue, grey, green, black, In prada or primark, Armani or H&M?, the skinny jeans are the reason you want to wake up in the morning. No think about it, your life in 2008 revolved around skinnies. To class, down the corner store. Even when they looked a little funny with your vans, you figured out how to pull it off, else the vans go. DEF. NOT THE SKINNIES!.. gasp* that wld be disastrous.

Unfortunatley, sum of us are going to have to kiss it goodbye. What, with the 10 pounds your single-handely gained over xmas dinner?. Lets be painfully realistic here, you shall gain it back by valentine's day. You doubt me? ok.

Its 2009, and you still cant use your iphone. Instead you stay awake strategising on how you are going to add more bling to it and oh maybe take out all the ice and spray it gold...a la' Mr. Pharell Williams. You are not alone.

Yes BOSS!...The 'P' looks heavy on you. Yes, yes, the P'. I am still dying to know what the 'P' means. Anybody? What is heavy about it? am not even tryn to be funny, cuz you know, ya'll be saying it like every 2 sec. yet you dunno what you are saying. Yes its a compliment but, can you honeslty tell me that you can wrap your finger round it.
Special thanks to Boss man himself Naeto c, and the others for making Naij. music cool again.
P.S- check him out in that blazer, i'd tap that ;)

For the last time, HAPPY NEW YEAR!..out with the old and in with the new. Please steer clear of resolutions you cant keep, like no more cigarettes or dropping a whopping 80pounds so that you wld be mistaken for nicole richie. Why punish yourself?
All i can say is, 2008 is very much in the past. Let it go. Focus on counting how many times it took for you too pick your face off the floor, and whether or not you would like to see that happen again. You are who you are, nobody can take that neither can you change that. Hence, all i want o do is be a extremely good at being me...lucy..just that. Too me, it cant get more perfect that this So why waste your time?
Its 2009. New year, & very new beginnings.
Lets do this.
One lipstick at a time.x.


Anonymous said...

happy new year babe! lol.

C said...

lol... i noe am pretty late on this one & so are u on ur blog :P

lmao egg shaped/coconut head

ah for mr i personally disagree that rihanna was the one that started the short hair cut o after cole & beckham no way ain't agreeing even kelis sef lol

happy nu year ;D

C said...

2nd comment lmao

d skinny jeans so true
d P- i noe wt it is lol cn't remember the word tho

o yea if u watch greenlight video again by B, u'l see where she's rocking those shoes
unfortunately most of us can't

: (
nt me tho lool

lucy phil-ebosie said...

lol!! i know dem kelis and keisha strtd the whole cut hair look, but riri made it too cool to ignore!..

Plus new blog is up, plp cn stop being on my neck.ha! :)

Nosai-Oputa said...
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Nosai-Oputa said...

the 'p' actually means funny

lucy phil-ebosie said...

r you srs? 'position'?? wow!