Tuesday 10 March 2009


I dont write about my personal feelings, but tonight i cant resist. I am MAD!!!! There i said it, and i dont care who sees this!. Punching someone would feel very nice right now, a slap maybe? Yes please. Everything is going wrong.
I have tried, and tried and tried and tried and worked, and slaved over everything, and still nothing. Yes, no results for my hard wrok, my time and dedication. My fanatical attitude towards turning making sure my work is perfect, my time spent is not wasted, my relationship with people are not tainted, my attitude is not problematic. WASTE OF SWEAT!.
Today, i shall rant like a mad raving bitch. i've had enough for one day, wait did i say one day?! Lets make it a month. Yes, i'm going 2 scream like a flipping banshee.


Saturday 7 March 2009

Its called a break-up because its B.R.O.K.EN

"Disclaimer" :::Blogger may drift into a rant, as i am highly irritated at the moment:::

Like a bull let loose in a China shop, everything comes crashing down. Smashed and crushed into smithereens beyond repair, just like the state of your heart after a break-up.
I'm not here to point fingers and place blame of this nature- He cant put he's d**k in one place, she's a liar, he's controlling, we drifted apart, you never listen to what i have to say, she stopped loving me, i hate he's friends...if we start on this, we wouldnt be finished by tomorrow.Trust.

Neither am i going to tell you that there's a way to fix things or get over it. Fix what? Its broken, yes indeedy your heart actually snapped into two, and no the crazy glue i have left cannot fix that broken heart of yours. So is making an effort to get over it even worse.
No i'm not crazy, hear me out.
Conscious efforts to prove you're ok and 'happy', are LAME. You deceive nobody but yourself. All i am sure of is this...time would fix whatever broke, replace what was lost, fulfill the emptiness, heal the gapping pain in your chest, 'turn your frown upside down' (i could resist that last cheesy line.)
You only cause more wahala for yourself when you hold on, cling and decide to turn a blind eye to a relationship that is already broken. Yes, you've done it before and just might do it again. Im your opinion its all you can do to make sure your relationship is 'long term'. *sigh* Smack yourself across the face and wake up.

Dear Jennifer,
You're now 40 and semi-single. Most of your friends are married with kids, (which is not the main point i am trying to stress here). I'm not going to pretend like i know what it feels like to be 40..hell i'm not even 20 yet. But you cling to a man..xcuse me, a boy! That lacks maturity, sensitivity(someone that blogs about why he left you *BARF!*) and above all awareness. Your body language says it all, you hold on to he's hand with all your might, your mouth is curled in a fake distant smile. As if you have something to prove or justify. When its broken, its broken. And its time to go.
When we keep going back, and back and back and back and back and back and BACK! to a relationship that has already ended, it falls nicely into our list of habits and the damage we cause to ourselves become everyday nature. I dont understand it cause, if you're phone got messed up, you'll exchange it for another one, if your laptop kept shutting down on you, you'll throw that shit away, if you follow a path that leads to a bumpy lane, tomorrow you'll do a 180 and take another route, if someone keeps making empty promises we learn that trust is not an option when it comes to them. So why do we keep diving head first into a relationship with someone that keeps messing up, shuts down instead of paying attention, take your emotional stability for a bumpy ride and takes your trust as a joke.
Common sense darlings.
When its over its over.x.