Wednesday 29 October 2008


Do i feel pressured to write better blogs, everyday so plp wont get bored?...YES!.. do i feel nervous about the kind of material i can come up with?....HELL blogs come from the heart. So if people like what my heart has to say, then no wahala...there is plenty where that came from.
Today, we're talking music. Ah, yes i see your eye lighting....if your not xcited then you have a problem. Music is food for the soul. I dont know about you, but i'm a certified music freak1 did i say freak? no ADDICT!. If you know me, you know i always have my earphones in my ears...24/7. The other day my seminar tutor lost her cool with me. Onye...or whatever your name is she says-put away your bloody ipod. You do that every week, coming to class with your music on. Good heavens, i went red with embarrassment, as my mates strtd laffn...*sigh* the things i do for music. We have a love affair dt wld last, i'm driftig away)
I know for a fact that music is a very sensitive topic, kinda like the way boys scream and literally have panic and anxiety attacks over soccer matches a la' kitoye!...HA!..
Everyone thinks they have the best taste in music, well lemme tell you guys one thing i know for sure. I never met sum1 with better taste in music than me.. No you see me smiling?...I challenge whoever!!!!! lemme see your limewire collection, since most of you are to fucking cheap to go out and buy albums these am not guilty of that one sha.!
Lets start with hip-hop, What do you know about rap music my brother asked one day, i never met any1 as girlie as wt do you know bout rap, when he said that, i bloody lost it! yes boys i actually have sumfin 2 say about your 'almighty hip-hop' Who do i listen to? Kanye, no its nt cliche' i'm nt even into the club classic gold digger...lets start with his song 'through the wire'....kanye is belting out his heart with a metal plate in his chin just weeks after being removed from life support in the same hospital that biggie smalls died. Its amamzing that he still has a sense of humour while recording this song,- 'when the doc told me i had a metal plate in my chin, i said doc. didnt you relize i'll never make it past the metal detectors now? its bad enuf i have all this jewelry on'....HA!...God i can go on....
MOVING ON!....our favourite person we love to hate! 50cent...a minute of silence for the gangster turned p**** i dnt swear alot plp) i'm just disappoint in 50. Lemme take you bakc to his 1st album, actually his 2nd cuz the 1st one didnt do any good atall! you didnt know that. 'Get rich or die trying' Kai, dude was rapping like he was hungry, you can feel the determination....21 questions to me is like a love dont frown your face and think i'm crazy. To me, its like asking your better half what it takes to make them leave you. (i need to keep this short)
How many did 50 sell wen d album came out? 12 million copies..u fink i'm lying? it! HISS!. How bout now?...i am too embarrassed to say how much the last album made, as an ex- 50 fan i like to think i still have some respect for him. And whats up with g-unit members leavn?...young buck got kicked out this time..looll...i never actually liked him, bt i used 2 be a g-unit fan. I even stalked my mum to get me a pair of g-unit sneakers sum years back. In case your wondering when the new g-unit album, is coming out i can tell you....its been out..for..not 1..not 2...but 3months!!!!!...LMAO.
Grab your copy now, the folks are hmv wld prbly giv you for free. Ok i have to go. I have a life too you know!...HA!..I'm out.x.

Tuesday 28 October 2008

Get over it

Skool's over 2day, nt that any of you really need a better introduction for my blogs 'i cn be lame like that' HA!
Lets pretend we have alot to say today,....why do people just get up and leave? And i dont mean, having justified reasons, like ohh they had to relocate, ur were treating them like shit, u knew dey were going to be gone. No honey, i mean out of the blue disappear into thin air. They ignore your calls, even when it shows on facebook that they have been there.
This is easy, i cant belive it took me 8 years to realize....'PEOPLE CHANGE'....did you get that??...lemme tell you again, 'PEOPLE CHANGE' they really do. And belive me love, its not your damn fault. Whether its a friend or a better half.
Whats that you say??....You both had a connection?...(i've been there!), you were their one and only?? (honey i wrote d book on being another person's number, you were what? best friends?? can fill a book on how many best friends i have had..LMAO!.. Yes, we know the drill. Guys, you knew everything she liked...every detail of it. you used to bring her Mexican style bagels with vanilla flavoured lattes every friday by 5pm, cause fridays were her worst days in skool and ur baby needed some comofort food. You what?..gave him a massage, stayed up till 6am playing ps2 with him even when you had 2 test to prepare for, you bought tickets for both of you to go see nas even though you dont really know why he's still making albums. Yes, it goes on and on and on but they still left.
I have news for you.....(wait for it).....NOTHING IS WRONG WITH YOU! People change, people leave, friendships run its course, even if your nt ready to say goodbye, the scales fall from your eyes, and you realise they we not 'that' perfect.
Funny story happened, my friend went over to spend the night with her not to **** i mean we were planning this sleepover like it was her wedding day, what she was going to wear there, we even picked her jammies for bed...WOOT, WOOT. She comes back a day early, crying her eyes out. Prince charming ended the relatioship that morning. What did she do? absolutely nothing. Turns out, he woke up the next day took one look at her and said he was done. I know what ur thinking, she must hv scared the shit out of him with her 'just got out of bed' face..far from it. I've known her for 5 years, i've never seen anyone sleep for 12hrs strait and still look as gorgeous as she always does(no homo). The dude, just had enough. Just like that. HA!.
I believe everything happens for a reason! People change so you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you can appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so that you will eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes, good things fall apart, so better things can fall together. Nothing is as it seems.
Get over it. If i can.....Then you have no excuse.x.

Monday 27 October 2008

Label jars not people

Ah, yes i'm back and i can see a huge smile on omoria's face (he's going to kill me after this! ha!), yes i always things to say and i'm not here because i finished my company law seminar task as i promised myself...bloody hell, i'm tired of reading what judge Halsbury has to say about 'lifting the corporate veil'...under company law.
BACK TO THE GOOD STUFF!........yes, lets talk. I dont get what it is with people, and the labels we give eachother. If i kiss girls, i'm a dyke. If i cry alot i'm a drama queen, if i show up to class with my eyes covered in heavy black eyeliner and facial piercings (i mean true heavy metal style) i'm called a goth, i become good to my friends, and i'm called a 'mugu'. Plp d list is endless, dont get me wrong i am guilty of labelling people, but i'm not as judgemental as most people.
Yes, yes, yes i jugde people based on dier looks and most especially outfits, d minuter i meet sum1 my eyes roam as fast as you can imagine. If its a girl, i go straight to her bag..geez, i think to myself if she couldnt afford a chanel, she should have just got sum s**t from primark, instead of rocking a fake...Oh my daze, are dose weave tracks i see?? honey fix your hair before u show up she didnt appear with chipped nail polish, thats the 3rd time in a row she's doing that. People close to me know me too well for my eyes can roam around a girl for 8 secs flat, yes i time myself (i am a proud fashion I can tell you wht she is wearing, without seeing the label, which is fake and which is not. I can estimate how much she has stored in her debit card judging from her lingo, swag, and purse.
But no i dont discriminate against, people that just want to express themselves. I dont see a hippie with purple hair, and think 'FREAK', i wouldnt see a nudist and particularly think he or she must be mentally unstable to walk around naked. We Nigerians are all too guilty of that, if you're not a hip-hop listening, pants sagging, designer concious, lipgloss obsessive, Beyonce imitating, heterosexual facebooker, then....all i can say is' GOOD LUCK'. e go be for you.....x.

Friday 24 October 2008

day 2 and i'm getting the hang of it

Its 10am, friday morning. Apparently not too many people think i'm a very boring individual infact people seem to like my blog. So yeah, i didnt end up going to bed in tears fearing that my blogging career was over....LOL....
whats on my mind this early mo-mo...hmm, lets see alot but lets start with the top of the list. 'Frienships'!!! For the very 1st time in my life i wish i was a boy, boys have it easy when it comes to sorting out friendships...if a guy messes up, i'm sure they just say stuff like...'blood why you fuck up, i no dey feel your parolz oh'..or sumfin like that sha.
BUT GIRLS!!!....Sweet mother of God, its a totally different story. Lucy, how come you went bowling and you didnt tell me? I thought we promised to hang out with eacother every weekend. Lucy i cant believe his asking you out again, and you waited so long to tell me. I TELL YOU EVERYTHING! u take me for a fool?
Why did you buy those shoes in blue, when you KNOW that i was going to get them to wear for Afoma's birthday, you've ruined my life. This friendship is officially over, i cant stand you.
And even if i try to apologise and tell myself she has a reason to be mad, the next week there is another arguement waiting around the corner.
When you asked a guy about a friend of his, he'll be like- well, he's aii i guess. Nothing says they dnt talk anymore, but it still doesnt say there are best friends. Boys tend to be indifferent bout this. Just easy, breazzzzzzzzyyyyy. WOOT...WOOT!
Whereas in girls, its like this- oh we're still working on our friendship, i cant seem to trust her anymore, she thinks she's the shit cause her toatser kips popping aces in clubs, i've moved on from her, she's the person holding me back in life, she's a backstabbing bitch,.
Its like ladies chill!!!!!!!!! friendship is a beautiful thing, stop analysing every part of it,
I have alot to say, but afoma needs to read this now.....BRB.....xoxo.

Thursday 23 October 2008

my very 1st....

Life gets complicated, for some people the drama never ends, the fights get more serious, the struggles get harder, the plp we love turn a blind eye...and we have to decide whether we have given up, throw the boxing gloves on the ground and walk out of the boxing ring a loser...or if we stay and fight and find out for ourselves, if we truly have that tough skin everyone's been talking about?

My name is Lucy Onyemulu Fadi Phil-Ebosie, and this is my very 1st blog...Damn this is good, i've always had alot of things to say...not to anyone in particular...but just to say, to whoever is bored on facebook, and wants sumwhere else to look through, to that girl that just broke up with her other half and cant decide if crying on the couch with a big bowl of ben and jerrys is a good idea, to the law student trying to juggle three charity jobs, friends, assignments, mooting and negotiating camps, meeting, interviews, being called by 2am to come up on ambulance duty.....if you just need a place to escape..come here and see what other boring stuff i have to say (NOT)